Septic tank maintenance

septic tank yeast

Putting Yeast in a Septic Tank

The proper management and maintenance of the septic tanks are vital to avoid problems regarding it. The lack of proper maintenance will result in clogs and such other problems and will make you spend huge sums for the repairs of it. Putting yeast in the septic tanks is considered as an easy and less expensive method to prevent the clogs and to maintain the level of decomposing bacteria in the tank. The yeast could also help in increasing the speed of decomposition as it could work as a catalyst to the chemical reactions happening in the septic tank. This should be done as a periodic measure to avoid future problems.

Therefore, it is always better to conduct periodic maintenance rather than spending big amount at a later stage. In some cases, the maintenance issues have rendered the septic tank unusable and the people will have to find other ways for wastewater management like that of constructing a completely new septic tank that could prove really costly. The inconvenience that is caused due to the repairs is another big problem, which is even more problematic at times than that of the amount spent for it.

There are so many things that can be done to make the septic tanks work properly and efficiently. The main aim of the processes is to prevent the clogs that could occur due to the excess solid waste particles entering the wastewater stream. There are some chemicals that are available in the market that could be used to prevent clogs. The main thing that you should take care while option to use some chemicals for the septic tank is about the effect of these chemicals on the amount of decomposing bacteria in the tank. Yeast is the best option to treat the clogs, as it is not affecting the bacteria population. It is so easy to use too. It can also keep the bad odor from the septic tanks.

It is easy to make a yeast solution for the septic tank. Boil 4 cups of water and add 2 cups of sugar and 2 cups of oatmeal in to it. After allowing that solution to cool down to the normal room temperature, add two packs of dry yeast in to the solution. Allow it to stand for about 20 minutes and then put it in your closet and flush. This is the easiest way for putting yeast in a septic tank.

Since yeast is simply a fuel source for bacteria, you will want to include monthly bacteria and enzyme treatments to complete your maintenance regimen. NT-MAX septic tank maintenance packets are packed with hungry digesters designed to eat sludge and keep your entire system flowing properly.